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“I Enjoy Getting Different Work Experiences”: Q&A with Joan Palmer

July 9, 2021

Carecor offers work opportunities for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) in Toronto, Ottawa, and Halifax. Our employees provide care in a range of acute and specialized partner facilities, and they enjoy the variety and flexibility of their work. We asked Joan Palmer, a Carecor RPN in Toronto, to tell us what her job is like.

Q: How did you become an RPN?

A: I studied nursing at Centennial College in Toronto. After I graduated, I knew I would need flexibility. Nursing involves life-long learning and staying abreast of current information, and that requires quite a bit of flexibility.

Q: When did you join Carecor?

A: In September 2019. Previously, I worked at another agency, and Carecor offered me the chance to work with Toronto Public Health. I really enjoy working in the community, and that was a really excellent opportunity. I still work with Toronto Public Health, in the department of Communicable Disease Control. That includes vaccine administration – going around to the schools to administer flu vaccines and now the COVID-19 vaccine.

Q: What is a typical week like for you?

A: Within my week, there’s a lot of variety because I may be working for different employers, which I really like doing. I also enjoy being able to choose my hours and shifts, and I enjoy getting different work experiences.

Q: What do you like most about working for Carecor?

A: The opportunity to work with different organizations in different work settings. I enjoy having the variety, as well as the knowledge that I get from doing something new, broadening my experience and problem-solving in new situations. I also love connecting with other workers, including Carecor employees, when I’m on an assignment. I find out about their career path and their interests. There’s always a lot of knowledge to share. For example, if you’re not sure about critical care nursing, you can meet a critical care nurse and they can tell you about their experiences. It’s really, really valuable to be able to do that, and a lot of times you can give the benefit of your own experience. There’s good camaraderie, and everyone is approachable. I’ve found a very positive working relationship with my colleagues.

Q: How does Carecor support you in your day-to-day work?

A: There is a lot of support. If you need something, there’s definitely quite a few people you can reach out to. I usually just shoot off an email or pick up the phone, and I find out anything I need to. Carecor is very good about getting back to you quickly.

Q: How has COVID-19 affected your day-to-day work?

A: Goodness! It’s added another layer on top of what we have to do, with all of the personal protection equipment and the requirements for sanitization. That’s a whole other level of precaution you have to take, while still managing and meeting your usual responsibilities. But it’s all necessary for minimizing the spread of the virus, and we’re very careful.

Q: What would you tell someone who is thinking of working with Carecor?

A: Carecor can certainly open up opportunities for you to experience working in different environments. That in itself is very valuable because it will build your confidence, give you connections and help you grow.

Learn more about becoming a Carecor Registered Practical Nurse or Licensed Practical Nurse.


Carecor Health Services provides a number of job opportunities in the acute care setting. Check out who we hire and apply today.

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